Donna Bartlett

MBACP, Diploma Integrative Counselling, MSc Psychology


If you are reading this, it may be that you are experiencing a difficult time and seeking support to help you work through the challenges you are facing. I hope my profile provides you with some insight about what you can expect from counselling, but please feel free to call me if you would prefer to talk on the phone (details below). I offer a free initial 20-minute consultation by phone because I appreciate how important it is that you feel comfortable with your therapist. 

I am a qualified Integrative Counsellor, which means that I can draw from different approaches to tailor my support to meet your unique needs. Regardless of your reason for coming to therapy, I put you at the centre of our work together. I will support you in whatever it is you want to talk about, by providing a safe space, free of judgement. We will explore your experiences, needs and frustrations, from your perspective. Using a range of therapeutic techniques, I will help you gain better insight into your own unique inner world. 

It is likely you will find the therapeutic relationship a very different experience to other relationships in your life, and this is often how change can happen. Our work together will provide you with a new perspective, and strategies and tools you can implement in daily life to help you feel more resilient, regardless of what life throws at you. This can be incredibly freeing - even life changing.

I provide both online and in-person weekly counselling sessions, and work with clients on a variety of issues on a long-term and short- term basis, depending on their unique needs. I also have a special interest and experience in working with people with hoarding tendencies. 



Phone: 07507783652

Silvia Constantinescu

Bsc, PGCert, Cert Hyp CS


I am a trained Hypnotherapist, member of National Hypnotherapy Society. I hold a degree in Psychology, a certificate in Health Psychology and a Qualified Teacher Status.

During the Hypnotherapy sessions I use suggestion and imagery to help the client to change the negative beliefs, to create a new perception of the problem and to achieve the goals.

If you are dealing with Anxiety, Phobias, Weight problems, Smoking, low Confidence and self-esteem, Sleep disorders, Stress, Sexual issues, then it is time to learn to live without them through Hypnotherapy.

If you are suffering from gastrointestinal disturbances, migraines, dermatitis, respiratory ailments, pelvic pains and ulcers this can be worked in Hypnotherapy only with GP/Physician referral or approval.

For more details contact me at: 07440 754 135


Alexandra Dominique Datwyler


BodyTalk, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Swedish Massage

"Let no one ever come to you without feeling better and happier" - Mother Theresa

This quote beautifully sums up how Alexandra wants every client to feel after having experienced “You Happy First” treatments. Alexandra Datwyler is a Holistic Therapist and Teacher specializing in BodyTalk, Reiki, Meditation and Massage. She is fully qualified and insured. Alexandra is also the founder of her Complementary Therapies Company “You Happy First”, which invites you to look after the most important person in your life – YOU. Look after yourself first, attend to your own holistic well-being (which includes body, mind, soul and spirit) and this investment will pay off in your personal and professional life. Alexandra firmly believes that BodyTalk, Reiki, Meditation and Massage are wonderful tools for you to relax, improve your mental and physical health and for your body to heal itself more easily. As part of her Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Alexandra regularly attends new courses and always looks to extend the range of treatments offered. Furthermore, she is committed to offering excellent, effective treatments and to educating clients about the importance of holistic self-care.

If you would like to discuss your requirements or book an appointment you can contact Alexandra:

Phone: 07504 750869 E-Mail:

Dorine Fernandes

ACMT, Reiki Master

Ayurveda Holistic Massage Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki

I have worked as a Ayurvedic Massage, and Beauty Therapist for 8+ years. Beauty and general wellness have always been a passion which I finally decided to make into a career with a Beauty Therapist certification from the prestigious, London School of Beauty. My training included in- depth analysis of human anatomy and physiology, lifestyle habits and identifying potential ailments and issues impacting beauty and well-being of individuals. 

During my practice as a Beauty Therapist, I began reading and researching holistic approaches to beauty and non-invasive wellness options. This interest was partly ignited by the lingering memories of the organic treatments that we were all exposed to during my childhood. I enrolled and obtained certification as a Massage Therapist from a leading Ayurveda institute in India and also acquired an Advanced Clinical Massage therapy certification from Brighton. Since then, I have been combining the modern western techniques with the traditional Ayurveda treatment methods to provide comprehensive and personalised massage treatments based on each individual’s needs. It is a fascinating and never- ending journey. I am constantly discovering, learning and adapting various techniques to improve the health and well-being of my clients. 

I am a Reiki Master, the Japanese technique of natural healing. I am convinced from my personal and experience shared by my clients that Ayurveda massage therapies have the potential to bring a positive effect on people’s lives through a natural process.

I offer the following treatments:  Abhyanga- full body massage, Deep Tissue massage, Hand and Feet massage, Back, Neck and Shoulder massage, Indian Head massage, Face massage, Facial, Reiki

For appointments call: 07941 574 133 

or email:

Taf Kunorubwe

Bsc (Hons) Psychology with Clinical Psychology PGCert in Evidence-Based Psychological Therapies PGDip in Studies in Mindfulness PGDip in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness

I have worked in a range of Mental Health Care and Addiction Services throughout my career, both as a clinician and in leadership / supervision roles. I currently work as a High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapist within an NHS Primary Care Mental Health Service. Offering evidence based psychological interventions for individuals of all ages and cultural backgrounds who are experiencing mental health conditions, in particular depression and anxiety disorders. I am also a guest lecturer for a local university on their therapist training course.

Within my clinical work, I use approaches approved by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) or otherwise supported by a scientific evidence base. My central models of therapy are CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Mindfulness-Based Intervention. I also have a strong interest in CFT (Compassion Focused Therapy), which I integrate within my practice.

My areas of special interest and experience include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and stress, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and difficulties with self-esteem. I also work with individuals with physical health symptoms, or complicated grief, to facilitate the process of adjustment.

In all my work, I recognise the influence of unique life circumstances on the development of people’s difficulties. I aim to support clients to build on their strengths, as well as to learn new skills, to both overcome their current life challenges and build future resilience.

I also have experience of teaching mindfulness groups within the different setting I have worked, these have included delivered Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) within Addiction services, 8 Week Mindfulness Course within the NHS (Based on MBCT), one-off Mindfulness sessions for clients struggling with Long-Term Health Conditions in GP surgeries and even coordinating an online Mindfulness package within an NHS service.

I also offer an 8 Week Mindfulness Course privately and offer free introductory sessions, with the hope of allowing more people access to the mindfulness training that has so benefited my clients and myself.

Please visit my website for more information:

For an appointment, or simply to find out more about CBT or Mindfulness, please feel free to call 07403 598898 or email on

Anne Lammar


Alexander Technique, Craniosacral Therapy, Prenatal & Birth Trauma Therapy

Anne is a Member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique and the Craniosacral Therapy Association with further specialisation in Pre & Peri-natal Birth Therapy. She has a background in Dance, Gestalt, Focusing, Reiki and is a Doula (Trained Birth Helper.)

Anne has been in practice in UK and Europe since 1991. She combines these complementary skills to help stimulate and encourage the natural healing potential on all levels. Anne has a special interest and experience in working with couples, to support them during pregnancy, birth, & bonding.

She draws from her craniosacral work to heal pre-natal, birth, or post-natal trauma in babies, children and adults.

For more information please email:  or visit her website:

Emma Murray

MBACP, MA Counselling and Psychotherapy, PGDip Counselling and Psychotherapy


Emma Murray MA Counselling and Psychotherapy, PGDip Counselling and Psychotherapy Humanistic Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist MBACP Counselling offers a safe, confidential space to think about what feels difficult in life. These difficulties may be temporary and circumstantial, or feel more internal and longstanding. Therapy invites you to reflect on your own experience, to untangle complicated thoughts and feelings and grow your understanding of yourself, so as to begin to find ways forward. Importantly therapy often involves developing a relationship of trust with a counsellor so that you do not have to work through this process on your own, but can do so with support of a therapist. Counselling can help people discover new ways of understanding and supporting themselves, recognising strengths and self-esteem , and grow self awareness, which can open doors to change and the living of a more fulfilled life.

As an integrative and humanistic therapist, I’m trained to draw on a number of therapeutic approaches to find a way of doing therapy that works for you. My style tends to be informal, conversational and grounded in your being a human being, with your own complex and unique life. I bring an understanding of attachment - the ways in which early life can inform who and how we are now; and the role of our biology and nervous system in what we experience, which can be particularly helpful when working with anxiety and depression.

I qualified as a therapist in 2018 and have worked in Private Practice in London and now in Reading. I’m a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). I also work for a Counselling Charity based in East London. I previously worked for a low-cost counselling service in South London and at a secondary school with counselling charity Place2Be. I came to counselling through my own experiences of therapy so I have sat in both the therapist’s and client’s chair and know how daunting it can be to start with. I previously studied literature and creative writing and have an abiding interest in stories and creativity, both those entirely fictional and in those we tell about ourselves.

I work with clients both in person and online and offer both short term and open-ended therapy. Sessions tend to be 50 minutes on a weekly basis, but please do get in touch to discuss what you feel might suit you.

More information is available on:

My website:


Mobile number: 07445 723516

Dee Novakovic

Hypnotherapy DHP.ACC.HYP




As a registered hypnotherapist whose own transformative experience of hypnotherapy inspired me to choose this career, I’d love to make a difference to your life.

Having worked on an operational level for several years for more than one counselling service including No5 Young People, I’ve had the benefit of gaining significant insight into the issues that people are consistently struggling with that have become all the more impactful since the end of lockdown. We are what we think and how we feel about ourselves affects the choices that we make and how we make them. Our inner narrative is what guides us and it can make or break us. This is where hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help us take control of our lives, break negative habits and discover our new better self.

Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, wanting to stop smoking, IBS, negative habits or having issues with your weight?

Or are you an 18+ student suffering with pre-exam stress and unable to get the level of support you need from counselling services at your college/university?

Perhaps you’d like to empower your inner self and shift your emotional and psychological mindset, but don’t know where to begin?

Some of the conditions I can help you with are:

· Anxiety

· Low self-esteem

· IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

· Weight loss/emotional eating

· Smoking cessation

· Menopausal stress

· Negative habits

· Pain management

· Insomnia

· Irrational fears

· Exam stress (for over eighteens)

· Releasing romantic relationships

· Recovering from narcissistic relationships

I specialise in anxiety, low self-esteem and weight loss. In addition I provide targeted support for 18+ students regarding pre-exam stress. I also offer motivational coaching packages and bereavement counselling to support you, whether the loved one that you lost was a person or pet.

You matter, so why not take the first step in becoming your better self by booking a free initial consultation.

You can contact me on:

Tel: 07724 144028



Veronica Prasad-Woodcock

BA Hons MBACP Accred

Counselling, Supervison

I am a BACP accredited Counsellor and qualified Supervisor based in Reading. I offer counselling to adults 18+ who are experiencing difficulties in their lives such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, bereavement, depression, sadness, discrimination, cultural or identity issues or other.  Whether you are considering counselling because you are struggling now or maybe trying to better understand something in particular in the past or present, talking to a counsellor can be a very helpful space. A supportive, nurturing, safe and non-judgemental space allows for exploration, discovery and better understanding which may lead to new or different ways of being in the world.  Student counsellors are very welcome .
I work in a person-centred way which means I am led by what is important to you. The therapeutic relationship is a very crucial aspect of counselling and my belief and experience have shown that if this is established in a boundaried setting clients are likely to feel that they can safely explore and express their concerns which will encourage transformation and new or different choices.  I will listen sincerely with empathy and with genuine interest and curiosity to you without judgement.  If needs be I sometimes draw on tools and techniques from other modalities such as CBT or mindfulness to facilitate understanding and awareness as it is important to have a flexible approach so that the uniqueness of each client is acknowledged and facilitated.

My aim is to facilitate an open, safe and containing space where reflection about your practice and your clients is encouraged.
A space where you will feel able to express or identify what you need in order to promote good practice, whether its feeling stuck, exploring new ways of working, identifying areas for professional development, focusing on self-care and also acknowledging what you are doing well.  I welcome students, experienced and newly qualified Counsellors.  Before starting supervision, we can start with a phone call or ZOOM.  This will give us both the opportunity to get a feel for the process and how we can work together.  We can work out what your supervisory needs are and what your hopes and goals may be.  There will also be time for you to ask any questions you might have about supervision and or my approach.

If you would like further information please see below for contact details:

Phone: 077521521169

Maria Rossi

Lic. Ac. MBAcC,


I am a highly qualified and licensed acupuncturist who practises Traditional Chinese Medicine and 5-Element Acupuncture. After spending several years working in the corporate sector, I decided to pursue my passion for natural healthcare by studying acupuncture at the renowned College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, UK. In addition to my three and a half years of training at the college, I also completed extensive postgraduate training in fertility, gynaecology, and obstetrics with experts such as Jani White, Jill Glover, Claudia Citkovitz, and Debra Betts.

Using traditional techniques such as acupuncture, moxa, and cupping, I aim to repair and to re-align the individual's body and mind and to improve balance and overall wellness.

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council, which ensures that I uphold the highest standards of competency and safety in all her treatments. I am also a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network in the UK and the Acupuncture Childbirth Team in London. 

Book online for a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss any issues you may have

For more details contact me:


Phone: 07403 763736

Jana Sheena

MSc BABCP & AREBT accredited BSCH accredited

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Hypnotherapy, REBT- Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy

I always enjoyed observing and listening to people since my childhood.  Bilingual (English and Czech), and with a people-focused career path, I have inevitably seen the vast range of stressful triggers and the  psychological and physiological responses to these triggers across a diverse selection of clients. 

For the past 15 years, I have worked closely with the Harley Street’s  plastic surgery consultants helping patients address surgery-related  anxiety; assisted clients with drug and alcohol addictions at the Westminster Drug Project and provided CBT and Clinical Hypnotherapy to  private and NHS clients who have had trouble managing various  addictions, anxiety, phobias, depression, interpersonal and psychosexual problems.  

As well as my private practice, I also work as a Clinical  Hypnotherapist  and a CBT Psychotherapist at The Royal Brompton Hospital in London, where I specialise in chronic pain management, depression as well as health anxiety.  

I am an associate CBT Psychotherapist for the Priory Group, Wellbeing  Centre in Harley  Street in London and for Vita Health Group where I assist corporate clients, referred by their insurance provider, primarily with the management of anxiety, stress and  depression.  

I am an accredited member of both, the Association of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT) and The British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) and an accredited member of  British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH).

If you wish to discuss your requirements via phone or book an appointment please call 07977871009


Caroline Smith

BA(Hons) Cert.Ed., PG Cert. Tavistock, Dip. IIHHT

Bach Flower Remedies, Indian Head Massage, Psychic Readings, Reflexology

Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Bach Flower Remedies

Psychic Readings, Psychic and Spiritual Development Classes.

Caroline has worked as a Reflexologist and Indian Head Massage Therapist for 22 years.

Having initially worked as a special needs teacher in the fields of Autism and Multisensory Impairment, she has in recent years treated clients with learning disabilities and mental health issues. In 1992 Caroline attended one of the first training courses at the Bach Remedy Centre, Mount Vernon, Oxon.

In her therapy work she draws on all her skills to provide sensitive and intuitive treatments .

When unusual life events brought Caroline in contact with a Spiritual Medium and Healer, she spent four years in their Psychic and Spiritual Development Classes near Henley.

Since then she has herself worked as a medium, healer and Development teacher from the mid-nineties to the present.

When giving a Psychic reading, Caroline endeavours to help the sitter gain insights into their life situation and Journey. Contact may be made with loved ones in Spirit, Spirit Guides and helpers.

Caroline regularly attends events at The College of Psychic Studies, South Kensington. Recent talks and workshops have included Automatic Writing, Trance Mediumship and Connecting with Spirit Guides.

She has taught classes in Henley-on-Thames,Glastonbury, and Reading following a traditional method based on the teaching of Ivy Northage.

If you are interested in joining a class please contact Caroline direct to arrange an interview:

07528 726516